Book Illustrations

Tharien’s charming, hand painted images from the children’s book What is a Perfect World?

What is a Perfect World? is a book written by Nancy Lynner (AWC Central Scotland), illustrated by Tharien van Eck (AWC Antwerp), designed by Joyce Halsan (AWC Central Scotland) and produced by Amanda Drollinger(AWC Central Scotland).  

All proceeds from this book will go to FAWCO Foundation. FAWCO is an international network of independent volunteer clubs and associations across many countries worldwide and is a global women’s NGO (non-governmental organization). The Target Program is a joint venture between FAWCO and the FAWCO Foundation, with FAWCO focusing on education and awareness while the FAWCO Foundation administers fundraising for the Target Project. The Target Program (including the Target Project) follows a three-year cycle of raising awareness, project selection, monitoring and fundraising. The Target Programs have the overarching goal of improving the lives of women and girls on a revolving basis through four areas of interest: Education, Environment, Health and Human Rights.

This children’s book allows readers to share and discuss eleven world issues with young children and show them what work awaits. The title asks a question, and each page, through pictures and text, demonstrates an answer for a perfect world. 

The whimsical watercolor characters include 22 children from multicultural backgrounds and abilities, and there are seven adult characters who are parents or helpers. The text asks the readers to help us make the world perfect together, and finishes with a soft surprise. 

You can follow the book on Facebook and Instagram.

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Clean Air

Artist’s inspiration: I grew up in South Africa, and lived there until 2004. We lived for 10 years in a coastal city with the name of East London, a very windy city with blue skies and (mostly) clean air. Our favorite Sunday afternoon was a walk on the beach, meeting up with friends and watching people flying kits! 



Artist’s inspiration: the inspiration for this illustration came from Africa where water is a very enormous and appreciated commodity, not always easy to access.  The girls of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania have to walk every day to fetch water for use in the safe houses. The clothing of Rhobi was inspired by the colourful clothing found in many African countries. The name “Rhobi” is the name of the Founder and Director of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania.


Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania has their own vegetable garden which was the inspiration behind this illustration. Access to food is such an important basic right, but sadly not available to all the peoples of the world.



Can you imagine sleeping under the stars with an elephant keeping you company? This illustration was inspired by an NGO in Kenya, Sheldrick Trust. The relationship between keepers and elephants is an amazing thing to watch. Did you know that baby elephants struggle to maintain their body temperature and that they are very susceptible to extreme temperatures, hence the need to cover them with a blanket.


I trained as a physician in South Africa and access to medical help is nonnegotiable to me. Annabella is a feisty little girl who will go far in life and accomplish great things, a reminder of the tenacity of the girls of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania, and the wish of some of the girls to become doctors one day! Let us be like Nurse Meiling and Dr.Lyra to support girls in STEM directions.



Delivering a baby is a magical moment, one that I experienced as a physician in South Africa.


Rhobi Samwelly’s father, Mr Isamuhyo, was the inspiration for the teacher in this illustration. Can you imagine the joy of being able to read and understand the magic that’s happening in books?

Rhobi Samwelly is the Founder and Director of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania, the organization supported in the Target Program: Health.



I grew up on a farm in South Africa and rode a bus to school. Waiting for the bus was always a moment to have fun with friends. The scenery used in this illustration was inspired by a trip to Botswana in 2015.


My inspiration here was Nelson Mandela and his dream of a rainbow nation. He said “It always seems impossible until it's done.”, holding hands across the diversity of mankind is important and something that we have to practice everyday and pass on to future generations.



A rainbow. an orange tree bearing fruit and spring flowers in a beautiful garden and friends helping each other.


The grannies around me inspired me. The scene is set on a cold, snowy northern European winter’s evening with thick wooly jumpers, brightly burning candles, a cat to hug and Red Bird watching over all.



I could not choose anything other than a crude map of the world as the inspiration for this illustration. I chose to picture the continents in warmer tones rather than cooler tones to show that we need to work on the world, and that we all need to do it together to make sure it will be perfect.


Can you remember, growing up as a child, what your favorite ice cream was? I looked at my paint palette and decided to paint a variety of ice creams in all my favorite paint colours.

Red Bird

Look carefully to find Red Bird on all the pages!


Meet the characters

Meet more of the characters