A Day in the Lives of the Women and Girls of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania: Q1 2023   

I am very excited to launch a new series of blog posts, called A Day in the Lives of the Women and Girls of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania.     

The first quarter of 2023 was a busy period for the staff at HGWT, with January always more busy with reconciliation that needs to be done after the cutting season; unfortunately, not all the girls have been reconciled with their families. Reconciliation is an ongoing effort, and girls will only return to their parental home if there is no threat of FGM or other forms of GBV. A piece of very good news - a well known cutter, who escaped to Kenya after the previous cutting season, was arrested. She currently is in jail, awaiting sentencing.    

Reconciliation discussion, a team effort with the involvement of HGWT, Police Gender Desk and Social Services.

The Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serengeti remains a much appreciated supporter of HGWT; the new General Manager, Marisa Fernandes, and her management team, recently visited HGWT. Another high level visitor to HGWT was Mr Nathan Sage, the USAID Environment and Natural Resource Management Team Leader in Tanzania. 

International Women’s Day (March 8) is an important day for HGWT to highlight the important work that is being done at HGWT, and to promote health and well-being for girls and women in the Seregeti and Butiama communities. A meeting was arranged where women had the opportunity to discuss various ways in which to combat Gender Based Violence, and to work towards the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The meeting was a resounding success with more than 130 women in attendance.   

Rhobi also participated in the launch of Inspiring Girls today, a new effort of Tanzania Development Trust to highlight extraordinary women. You can watch the recording here. I enjoyed watching this, and would like to share a few of Rhobi’s inspirational quotes:   

  • My way of overcoming being cut was to start an intervention, and rescuing girls from FGM is/was my greatest success.

  • I am dreaming, one day, that FGM will be history in Tanzania.

  • To see a girl reach her dream, for me, is a great success; these girls will be strong ambassadors for the community. 

HGWT not only focuses on the elimination of FGM and GBV, but also on the provision of other forms of health-based education initiatives such as reproductive health, healthy eating and physical activity.  

The very exciting news is that Graham and I will be visiting Tanzania soon. I can’t wait to share more news about Rhobi and the girls, especially about the education of the girls.

Until next time!

Asante. Thank you


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