A Dream Come True - Thank You!

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today” - Malcolm X

Education with a photo of girls from Tanzania

SDG4 addresses the important topic of education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The underlying three principles of SDG4 includes: 

●      Education as a fundamental human right and an enabling right with countries having to ensure equal access

●      Education as a public good with the state as the duty bearer, and

●      Gender equality, therefore education for all.

Gender Based Violence against girls has the potential of robbing girls of this important basic right. Plan International states that school is a “space in which girls exercise their agency, make their voice heard, and access their first leadership opportunities”. The consequences of not being in school is devastating, not only to girls, but also to their families and communities long term. The added risk of GBV, teen pregnancies and childhood marriage becomes all that more real.

I expressed, earlier during 2022, that it will be my goal to continue using my art to support the tertiary education of girls residing at the safe houses established by Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania (HGWT). The cost to support a student at a college or university varies between $1,000-$2,000/year.

The girls’ career aspirations range from pilots to doctors, to accountants, to teachers, and many more roles, but there is also a keen interest to go through vocational training, and perhaps to become an entrepreneur who will leave HGWT with the skills and knowledge of how to set up a business using their skills.

I am very excited to announce that we have raised in excess of €3,000 during the past 9 months, and therefore will be able to support a girl residing at one of the safe houses to further, and complete the two-year duration of her studies. It is now my privilege to introduce Elizbeth K.

Elizabeth K from Hope for Girls & Women Tanzania

Elizabeth K.

Elizabeth K escaped from FGM in 2017 and completed her secondary school education in 2020. It has always been her dream to study further and to go into the hospitality industry and hotel management. The dream has become reality! Elizabeth will start her two-year hospitality studies at the Arusha Help to Self Help Vocational Training College early 2023. We will continue to share regular updates on her progress.

To Elizabeth - on behalf of all who supported Tharien’s Art, we wish you the very best in your studies! May all your dreams, and more, come to fruition! 



#FGM #GBV #GiveBack #GenderEquality #police #femalepilot #doctor #empower 


A Day in the Lives of the Women and Girls of Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania: Q1 2023   


Pantone Color of the Year, an inspiration to many